The department has five full-time faculty, each with a Ph.D. in computer science. The department offers an ABET-accredited B.S. program, an A.B. program, and a minor in computer science.

There are many opportunities to perform research with the faculty. It is not uncommon for students to stay on campus over the summer to do so. In recent history, two students have been co-authors on peer-reviewed papers that were presented at national conferences. In addition, we have received funds from the National Science Foundation to build a parallel cluster of workstations. These workstations will be using dual processor AMD Opteron technology. The College has also matched these funds to enable the machines to be replaced every two years and ensure that we stay at the cutting edge.

One of the unique points of our curriculum is that we teach software engineering in the second year — most schools teach this in the fourth year. Students learn many useful skills early on that will help them in finding internships. The program culminates in a second software engineering course in the senior year (CS 470 Senior Project) where the students work with real clients outside the College in developing software projects.